Tuesday 14 January 2014

Rhett and Link Crisis

Last night I found out that if I play Rayman Run (England's greatest game of all time, available on the iPhone app store) while watching Rhett and Link's Good Mythical Morning videos on a Youtube playlist, I will be entertained for hours on end. Last night, I think I did it for at least six hours straight. It was crazy. It's just so entertaining because they're such funny people and they discuss interesting topics on their show.

If you've never heard of Rhett and Link, this is what they do for a living:


I wasn't even remotely tired at 4:00, but I forced myself to lie in bed regardless. I just lay there, not at all tired, for awhile. Then I checked my watch and noticed it was 10:30. I somehow fell asleep and woke up without noticing. It was weird.

I found it difficult to get out of bed, shower, go to lunch, and get cracking on work instead of just watching Rhett and Link videos all day. I definitely could; they've made almost 360 12-minute videos in the past three years, and I was still totally jet-lagged. But finally, I was able to force myself out of bed, reminding myself of why I'm here and what I'm doing in life.

Speaking of knowing what I'm doing in life, I'm keeping the goatee, after overwhelming support from almost everyone.

On other news, I was finally able to give out the rest of my mom's delicious cookies and brownies she thoughtfully packed for me ("Thank you!!" - the entirety of Oriel College and your loving son), just before they went bad. After a fair amount of work today, I'm starting to get back into the swing of Oxford.

Thank you, guys, for your unflinching support.


    John Khouri, former Rhink addict (that's a portmanteau of "Rhett" and "Link," not a drug!!)

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