Sunday 12 January 2014

An Exhausting Return

After five weeks of vacation, I have at last returned to my Oriel home. Everything's exactly as I left, it to my great dismay.

...It took me almost three hours to reclaim my keys, get my luggage upstairs, and then get every single possession of mine out of storage! Yikes!! Especially difficult since I haven't really slept for around 24 hours (Transatlantic Flights are never fun). Finally, though, I finished.

Home sweet college.

The worst thing about Transatlantic Flights for me is the food. I've never gotten the hang of the food. I try to overeat lunch so that I can skip dinner and eat breakfast on the plane, but then I get to the airport and I'm bored and I feel the urge to eat a proper dinner, and then by the time the airplane people offer me complementary dinner, I'm "hungry" again. And how could I refuse a croissant? *Sigh*

On better news, I got to watch the season finale of Sherlock in the JCR tonight. It was amazing. Someone on the floor above us was playing Gangnam Style loudly the entire time, which was annoying, but we got used to it. Fantastic to be able to watch TV live. I guess we have to wait another two years now.

Ever yours,

    John Khouri, returning student


  1. WAIT WHAT?!? The rest of the season has already come out?! HOW AM I SUPOSED TO WATCH IT WITHOUT YOU HERE???????? But I am glad you are situated :)
