Monday 13 January 2014

Revenge of the Jetlag

This morning, I woke up at 4:00 in the afternoon. Ugh.

I forgot my alarm clock at home, you see, and apparently no matter I can sleep through as many alarms as I set on my iPhone at full volume, especially when fueled by jetlag no-pun-intended. Jeepers! Despite getting little sleep in the previous 24 hours, I couldn't fall asleep last night until about 4:30 in the morning (because of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey Circadian Rhythm, that's why), so I only ended up getting just over 11 hours of sleep for about two days or whatever it is (stop messing with my head, Transatlantic Travel!), but it still is extremely disheartening to wake up to find that the day is almost over.

And since Circadian Rhythm is greatly influenced by the presence of the sun, it doesn't help that the sky looked like this all day long:

Yes, it finally rained. As like I'm living in England or some place!

I decided that since I was still really tired, there was nothing I could do but take a day off from work. And I was honestly okay with that. I hope I do some work later this week, but honestly, adjusting for jetlag was what was important for today. And possibly tomorrow, we'll see. I bought an alarm clock.

Although I was too tired to do anything really productive today, I found the time to go to the barber's in the Covered Market to get my hair cut. It was very fast, but painful. I don't know if that's just how they give haircuts in England, but the barber was clearly aiming for speed instead of delicacy. Ouch. 

I'm not sure about whether the new haircut goes with my goatee or not yet, so I'll leave it up to you lot. Should I shave my goatee or keep it? Leave a comment below or tell me via Facebook.

Written in Britain by,

    John Khouri, sleepyhead (see how I tied those two disparate bits together there?)


  1. yo pienso que debe cortarse la barba, pero antes debo verlo primero :).... igual eres lindo

  2. Keep the goatee! but let your hair grow a bit longer. Not to much longer, just a bit, but I like the goatee :)
