Monday 20 January 2014

My Insane Weekend

I'll start this story from the top.

Last week, I'd been having insomnia from stressing out about the upcoming collections. Wednesday and Thursday nights combined, I got about five hours of sleep. A lot of lying in bed awake. Yikes.

Then I took my collections on Friday. First one went alright, second one could've gone better, but at least I was done. I got a chance to just goof off for the rest of the day.

Finally, at 4:00 in the morning, I went to bed.

I woke up at 8:00 on Saturday. My insomnia hadn't yet gone away, but at least I'd gotten a few more hours of sleep. What really struck me was how dark it was for 8:00 in the morning. I figured it must just be because it's England. I watched a Rhett and Link video, used Facebook, replied to a group chat talking about Saturday night dinner, found some of their comments slightly odd. I noticed that my alarm clock had been unplugged, but I didn't remember unplugging it. I noticed how oddly thirsty I was.

Finally, it hit me: it was 8:00 PM, not AM. I'd slept for 16 hours. I'd missed the entirety of Saturday.

From that point forward, in order to quickly reset my Circadian Rhythm in time for classes on Monday, my only option moving forward was to pull an all-nighter followed by an all-dayer. So that's what I did.

I played Brawl for awhile and visited the bop briefly. Then from midnight to six o'clock AM I think I watched Rhett and Link videos while playing Rayman Run. Then I went walking around town. Boy, I tell you, there is nothing like walking around Oxford at six in the morning. There is almost no one around.

So much for "High Street."

The normally-bustling Cornmarket Street. Cornmarket Street is exactly like Diagon Alley.

* Merry Christmas from Oxford! *

Then I took a walk through Christ Church meadow. I don't actually know if I was allowed to be there or not. The problem is that they say they close at 5:00 PM, but they don't say when they're open. It said 6:00 AM by means of a Google search, so I went.

Christ Church, from Christ Church Meadow
I sat by the river and prayed to God for about an hour. That's a really great spot to pray. I finally got some peace from all the work at which I've been hammering away for weeks upon weeks. I love Christ Church Meadow :)

Then I walked over and entered Sainsbury's exactly when it opened at 7:00. I've you've never been to a store exactly when it opens, let me tell you, it is SURREAL. The shelves were FULL! The shelves were full! Yowzer!

What is this madness?!
I then established while eating breakfast in my room that my hat makes me look like I'm about to rob a house or something.

Made it through the night!

Hat hair :D

At last, I made it through the day, and I made it back to a normal sleep schedule. This morning, I woke up, watched me some Rhett and Link, brushed my teeth, showered, gelled my hair, went to my favorite early-morning cafe, bought myself my first mozzarella, tomato, and basil panini since I got back, and went to my new set of lectures. Let the tough times roll (again)!

Always and forever,

    John Khouri, robber resembler

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