Friday 1 November 2013

Dark World

As some of you have heard, in England, Thor: Dark World came out October 30, a week earlier than its release in America. I had a couple of hours to spare that day, so I went to see it.


Without giving any spoilers, here are some things for you people back at home to look forward to in the movie:

1. The movie is ridiculously funny.
2. Chris Hemsworth has been working out since the first movie.
3. Loki doesn't have a ridiculous amount of screen time, but he steals every scene he's in, and pretty much the entire movie.
4. Anthony Hopkins is Anthony Hopkins.
5. Someone makes the most hysterically unexpected cameo ever mid-movie.
6. The actor who played the charismatic, lady's man-type warrior friend of Thor's from the first movie has been replaced by Zachary Levi. He played Chuck in the TV show of the same name, as well as Flynn Rider in Tangled. The role is basically live-action Flynn Rider, and he's very funny.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Speaking of movies, I saw this DVD at Tesco's and I thought I'd share:

Isn't that just the most beautiful idea you've ever seen?! Just think; the greatest crime-fighter in the history of mankind, fighting crime side by side with Batman, who lives in a cave or something. I kind of wanted to buy it, since it's only three pounds at it promised infinite cheese, but I knew I'd get fed up with the extreme cheese twenty minutes into the movie.

These past few days have been absolutely terrible. I'd finally caught the Fresher's Flu, and I think I have the stronger one. I've been super tired all the time and coughing all the time. Today I didn't have much of a cough, but all the coughing I'd done previously has inflamed my throat so much that it's been very difficult to even talk and it hurts basically any time I swallow. I missed a tutorial yesterday and two lectures this morning due to being too sick and tired to make them (although with the lectures, it was more about not feeling up to a two-mile round trip in the middle of the morning). I also had to miss choir because I seriously could barely speak, let alone sing the (extremely high) songs given to us. I've got everything sorted out now, though, and I've been getting better. A friend recommended some medicine for my throat two hours ago, and less than ten minutes after taking it, I felt like a human being again. Woohoo! I feel so much better.

I dressed up as the Wolverine for Hallowe'en. I spent probably around five hours spread out over the course of a week on the claw, but they worked out terrifically. I didn't expect the hair to be so hard, though! I just did my best with the hair. I decided to do Wolverine because people have told me that I look like Hugh Jackman.

It's been a rough week, but I'll manage. Especially now my throat feels much better.

Glory to God,

    John Khouri, the Wolverine

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