Tuesday 26 November 2013


"Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts." - John Khouri

Actually, it was Winston Churchill, but hey, let's not quibble.

Before I begin, I wanted to include these hilarious Who-themed memes:

Ah, Grumpy Cat. I want you to be the next companion. :D

Since the Day of the Doctor aired, I've been working almost nonstop. Sunday I had church followed by choir, and I got to meet with my dad, who has been in Ireland and London on a business trip. It was great having breakfast with him and discussing things after having not seen my family for ages. I think I might miss my family and friends more if I had any time at all to think about things outside of what's going on RIGHT NOW and what I have to accomplish IMMEDIATELY. Not that I don't miss them, just not as much as I feel I should. But my mom emails me every other day or so giving updates about what's going on at home, and I Skype home weekly, so I still keep fairly up to date about goings-on at home. It's my friends I don't see much of, which is sad. Facebook me, friends!!! I'm waiting on you!!

I spent Sunday evening trying to bang out as much Probability work as I could before falling over the "homework cliff." Yesterday, on Monday, I ended up spending about fourteen hours on work. I spent the first five hours on Probability and Functional Programming, then around nine hours on Analysis. The Analysis problem sheet was, I think, the hardest sheet we've gotten yet. I spent nine hours on it and got two out of six/seven questions done. That's just insane. I ended up falling asleep late and waking up late, just waking up momentarily to disable my two systems of alarms before going back to sleep. I woke up to realize I'd slept through my Analysis lecture. Go figure. I worked for about one and a half hours on the Analysis this morning, and I ended up finishing three problems in that space of time. Go figure.

The past two days, I've noticed some "Endeavour" filming near me walking around campus. For those of you not in the know, "Endeavour" is an Inspector Morse prequel. For those of you still not in the know, Inspector Morse was a popular crime series of mini-movies about a brilliant detective who worked in Oxford. They were quite brilliant, actually, but if you left the room, even for a minute, or watch the installment in two nights, as I did, you'll find yourself completely lost. That's how clever they were. I've never seen "Endeavour" myself, but I need to. (25 JP to you if you've heard of Inspector Morse and you're not English, 75 if you've heard of Endeavour and you're not English)

On the way back from a Functional Programming lecture, I saw the Endeavour crew filming near the Sheldonian Theater/Bodelean Library/Bridge of Sighs/Radcliffe Camera sort of area. People like to film there because those four places are so iconically Oxfordian (apart from the Bridge of Sighs, because that resembles the Rialto Bridge in Venice) that when people see them, they understand, "Oh! Not Cambridge, then. Oxford. Right! Okay, then! You may proceed." They say all of that out loud, of course. Don't question it. Anyhow, I think I walked right past one of the main actors, like, shoulder-to-shoulder, because after I passed him, I heard the director or someone giving him cues and stuff. I don't know. I'm still waiting for the Doctor Who Oxford episode.

I guess if there's one thing I've learned from this is that the American Dream, that if you work hard enough at something you can achieve anything by your own strength, is kind of a bogus myth. We achieve nothing more or less than that which is God wills. It doesn't mean we can't make endeavors, as I certain will continue to do, but if those endeavors come crashing down, there's little reason to be disappointed. As I once said, "Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts." I should really write that one down before some English prime minister steals it...

Best wishes,

    John Khouri, Endeavourer 

P.S. I wanted to let everyone know that I've received five votes for hairstyle so far. I've gotten one vote for day 2, one vote for day 3, one vote for day 4, one vote for day 5, and one vote for day 6. Lol. I need a tie-breaker! Check my previous blog and send me a message!!

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