Thursday 21 November 2013

Dark and Nolan-y

Today was a promising day with a promising start. I woke up and went to Meat, where I did some reading of the Bible, did some praying for others, and had some bacon and toast. That's how I wish I could start every day. Considering I'd never really had bacon until three weeks ago or so, it's amazing how much I crave it in the mornings now. Mmm.

Had Eucharist service today, where I sang in the choir. It was pretty alright. I've been so happy the past two days because yesterday, I realized that although I'm still recovering somewhat from my cold, my voice has returned 100%. I'd never realized how much I'd missed it. I'm glad I had a chance to be without it for a change, though. Kind of like a singing fast, like the one I did for a friend a long time ago (it was pretty hard).

Tonight was Open Mic Night, the second and final one of the Michaelmas term. I regret to say that, though I spent maybe two or three hours preparing my material and went in feeling confident, the initial lack of laughter led to me getting nervous and fumbling lines and not being nearly as funny as I'd hoped. I wasn't doing it for my own glory, but considering how much I'd prepared, the failure of the routine kind of hurt. I did the routine on some dogs in Peru (those gags fell flat so I moved quickly on to the next one), original Batman vs. Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight (Have you ever noticed how 60's Batman fought a lot of hyenas?), and what Scooby Doo would be like as a live-action movie directed by Christopher Nolan (a brilliant gag which I'm really sad didn't work because of reasons). The funniest bit that I didn't forget to tell or forget how to tell was my (scarily accurate) Dark Knight impression ("I'm the hero that Gotham deserves...but not the one it needs...because I'm Batman!!"). If you laughed at any part genuinely, then good on you, you get 100 JP.

Also, someone pointed out to me that apparently my ears go red when I'm really nervous. I don't think that's something that happens very often, so I've never noticed before. I guess that's one thing I've got in common with Ron Weasley.

'Cause I'm a Weasley at heart :D 

Ever ya'lls,

    John Khouri, the comedian that Oxford deserves...but not the one it needs.

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