Thursday 28 November 2013


Happy Thanksgivakkuh!!!

For those of you who don't know, "Thanksgivakkuh" is a portmanteau of the words "Thanksgiving" and "Hannukah." For the first time in a long, long time, Thanksgiving falls on the same day as the start of Hannukah this year. Because of the way the two calendars differ, though, we won't have another TRUE Thanksgivakkuh for another five thousand years or so. However, in around sixty years, I believe, we'll have a PARTIAL Thanksgivakkuh. So see you then!

Today, I had the great pleasure of seeing my family again after eight weeks! It was great catching up after all this time. After a special chapel hosted by Oriel Christian Union (which was incredible), we all went to formal hall together. Then I showed off the library, the JCR (Brawl anyone?), and my room. I even demonstrated my newfound Dark Knight voice for them.

And what a meal! I was so stuffed after spiced pumpkin stew, turkey roast, potatoes, veg, chocolate cake and ice cream. And THEN my mom gave me some chocolate chip cookie cake and the raw materials to make the Khouri family traditional turkey desserts! I feel kind of awful, especially considering how healthy I've been getting. Honestly I feel kind of sick now. 

Still, one HAS to make the turkeys. It's tradition!

Last night I got the pleasure of hearing a friend of mine play in one of Oxford's great orchestras. I thoroughly enjoyed the hour-long show. I felt kind of like Inspector Morse, for some reason, and thought about going to see operas and orchestras a lot when I'm older. Then the orchestra came back and I realized it was a two-hour show. I didn't realize how long it was, and I honestly got a little bored during the second half. Still, I got to see my first performance in the Sheldonian Theater, and that's a huge plus. I hope one day I'll be able to sing there, most likely in a choir, because that's an incredible venue. It's like Great Britain's equivalent Radio City Music Hall.

 I was very impressed with the orchestra and even more so by the fact that my friend is good enough to play in the orchestra as a result.

I have been so blessed today, and I hope that tomorrow I can maybe share the blessing around with friends before I explode. Ugh. Anyhow, I'm thankful today for America, Britain, God, family, Oxford, Christopher Wren (architect who designed the Sheldonian and a few other amazing places here), great television, friends, love, mercy, Brawl, food (although I'm beginning to question that one), and Liechtenstein. Because really, who isn't thankful about Liechtenstein?

Stuffedly yours,

    John Khouri, the Stuffed

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