Monday 28 October 2013


Ah, the beauty of Oxford.

Last night I had the most horrific nightmare I can remember. It was a bloody, shocking dream that involved all of Oxford being invaded by zombies. Horrible. I find that the worst dreams are always the ones that involve friends dying.

It wasn't like I watched something scary before bed. I think what might have happened was that my phone alarm went off maybe an hour before my heavy-duty alarm clock went off. For those of you who still don't know, this is my phone alarm:

I've been using it as extra incentive for me getting up after the first alarm. My Plan B.

My shower and toilet have been making noises all throughout the day. Rule #3: beware of bathrooms. (you get 50 John Points [JP] if you get the reference)

The past few days have kind of felt like being the living dead. I've had so much homework this weekend that Saturday I spent the entire day in my room, and Sunday I spent most of the day in a religious building, church in the morning then chapel choir from four to eight (zombies have +1 invulnerability against chapel buildings, that's why). To add to the zombie feel, I've finally come down with the dreaded Freshers' Flu. For those of ye unaware, it's just like Freshers' Fair, but a lot less fair and almost as bad. So now I'm tired too often and thirsty too often and able to sing not enough. Gah!

At least tonight I FINALLY finished my weekend's homework. Even though technically it's not still the weekend. GAH! Still, at least I'm entirely on track again (for now; we'll see).

By the way, there's a Hallowe'en party this Thursday. I've been planning my costume for about a week now. I'm somewhat proud of it. It's not quite ready yet, though, so here's a sneak peek:

And no, I'm not going as a scale. No matter how wickedly ironic that would be.

I'm not working too hard on it, instead spreading the work out a bit each day. But if there's one thing I've learned from Oxford, it's rule #32: enjoy the little things.


    John Khouri, Zombie Apocalypse Survivor

P.S. If you figure out my costume, message me for an extra 100 JP! :)

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