Sunday 20 October 2013

Different Man

Today, I had the very great pleasure of hanging with one of the coolest men of our time! I'm not allowed to say his name because of my own rule about saying others' names on my blog, but I can tell you that his name rhymes with "awesome belch." Mr. Belch and I went to high school together, and did several drama productions concurrently. He goes to a uni in California, but he's currently doing a semester abroad at the University of Edinburgh. He and some friends came down to London, and he decided to visit me in jolly old Oxford!

...Awesome and I got a bit wet...

I gave him a tour of Oriel College, I showed him the covered market and some pretty amazing carved-wood puzzles, and we searched for secret tunnels in the Radcliffe Camera (there were no secret tunnels that we could find, but that's just because they're so secret).

We talked about life. About Walker. It was the first time I was able to talk face-to-face with a friend who knew him about him, and I think it was really good for both of us. Finally, at the end of the day, Austin (I mean, Awesome) even came to see me in the Oriel Chapel Choir at Evensong! I saw him leaving ten minutes in. He told me later via FB that he had to catch a bus. It looked like he was trying to sneak away, having expected more engaging, upbeat songs!! :P

Speaking of chapel, while the songs we sing are beautiful and extremely well-sung, I don't like them at all for worship, because when you sing them, you spend so much time worrying about technique, and notes, and words rather than what you're singing actually signifies or implies. Also, they make me drowsy.

I spent a fair amount of time on work today, a few hours. What with church, then lunch, then entertaining Awesome Welsh, then Evensong, then dinner, there wasn't much time left for work. I checked with other people in Maths and in CompSci at the end of the day, and we all seem to have around the same amount of work completed. Tomorrow is when we'll finish it before we get assigned new homework, like the end of the fiscal year. I'll be a different man by then.

...I don't actually know how I'll be different, or why, but I'm pretty sure I will be a different man, because I titled this blog "Different Man," and I wanted to show a parallel between myself and Awesome and have a double meaning of the title, as always, but thinking on it, I probably should think about my title before I create it.

Maybe that's how I'll be different.


...Or maybe not. :D

Anyhow, I like to have at least two pictures in each post, so here's a picture of a cat being adorable.


    John Khouri, Amateur Oxford Secret-Passageway Spelunker

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