Sunday 13 October 2013

Struggles and Random Metaphors

Yikes. Today's the first day of the Michaelmas Term. Bring on the homework [cue thunderclap sound effect]...

Today I went to have breakfast with the Oriel Christian Union, and discovered that what "FISH" (see previous blog) actually stands for is "Fun Interesting Scripture Hour." Never would've guessed that. I also learned how to make bacon. That'll come in handy if I ever decide I like bacon (and now that I've revealed my secret bacon-distaste to the Internet, I fully expect a series of attacks for the rest of my life by deranged bacon lovers). Hey, food isn't all flowers and willow trees. Not unless you're an owl. And I'm not an owl.

...Not yet.

Our group went to St. Aldates' Church, an old church renovated to appeal to living people. I got to hear John Lennox speak there. For those of you who don't know, John Lennox is a famous philosopher, physicist, theologian, mathematician, and Russian-speaker who infamously debated with Richard Dawkins. I highly recommend his videos and books, he's amazing. I got to speak to him for a little bit and ask him a really difficult question just to see if he actually knew his stuff. He did. :D

As it turns out, I got into choir!! I spent most of the afternoon practicing the three songs I was given this morning. We were to perform them tonight. But when I walked into the room and had an hour to learn all the songs (plus some songs I hadn't been emailed about), all that pre-training flew out of my head faster than a cute, little, winged bunny with big, furry ears falling out of a willow tree...falling really, really quickly. I found, though, that I picked up learning sheet music without preparation extremely quickly, in no small part due to three years of training under the legendary Mr. Jim Sluyter. What an amazing guy. By the end of the night, when we were performing at Evening Song in the college chapel, I felt almost as comfortable with the music as I am with a comfy couch. Which my dorm room does not have.

After all of this hard work, I have been accepted into a legit choir. Although after just seeing a video of this year's big Knightshine fall number, I remember how much more fun that was for me. Ah, well. All good things.

Benefits of being in the choir include being able to get dinner at formal hall for free on the nights I perform. It was a three-course meal, which left me feeling impatient, and also very confused by the entrees. What's next, roast swan? Pickled mermaid? Still, never turn down a free dinner. Plus, y'know, chocolatey dessert and expanding one's horizons and all that in a castley environment. It builds character. Here's me dressed for dinner at formal hall:

 I also wear a long gown (two layers of long gowns, in fact) for the singing. It was a pretty modern hipster look, as you might expect.

A friend recommended the Fight Club to me, so I watched on iTunes tonight. Just finished it. It was weird. It reminded me a bit like a butterfly, to be honest. A demented robot ninja primate butterfly. With fangs, and dentures, and dragon wings. Which is all to say that it was weird. But interesting.

I talked to my friend today. He tells me that everyone always tells him he looks like Harry Potter. I think he looks like a be-speckled Merlin (in the TV show). I'm teaching him how to play Brawl. He's getting too good. John Khouri; bringing civilization to England one Nintendo character at a time.

I gotta sleep, good afternoon/night/morning everyone!


    John Khouri, First Tenor

P.S. If you've been reading my blog for more than two days now, I hope you'll have noticed that this blog delivers on the rain check I promised two posts ago, in "Alone." See? There was a reason for all those random things I said! :D


  1. Yay congrats on the choir!!! Hopefully you will have a performance during #oxgiving2013
