Saturday 12 October 2013

Filler Day

Another filler day? Perhaps. But then again, perhaps not!

I woke up in the morning after five hours of sleep. But I stuck through with it and forced myself awake. Then I realized I had NOTHING to do. So I mucked around a little bit. Finally read the college information papers I'd been avoiding all week. Pretty much what I thought they'd be about. I also got a letter from a bank with my English bank card. Banks are exciting, right?

I went on a walk with a friend and we had a nice little mini-adventure. We found this really interesting wooden crafts shop in the market and spent some time trying to crack the wooden puzzle boxes.

I call it "Grumpy Turtle."

I also got the greatest deal ever at Oxfam (kind of like Oxford's Goodwill).  Twenty-five pounds (fifty dollars) for a really nice two-piece suit that fit me perfectly. At least, the suit jacket did. I thought I could get the pants shortened and everything would be okay, but then when I went to get them done in, I had to try them on, and I realized that they seemed to have been designed for use by a man two heads taller and half a waist skinner than me. Still, fantastic suit jacket.

I then went out to Tesco's to buy something I could cook, since I pretty much had the entire day to myself and no more homework to do. I bought some garlic, black pepper, and turkey breast. I'm currently storing the turkey in a friend's refrigerator (I bribed him with a box of donuts). I'll use these in the days to come.

I later went to an OICCU (Oxford InterCollegiate Christian Union, pronounced "OIK-YU") dinner. A man gave an amazing lecture on the Parable of the Prodigal Son. It was quite moving. Afterwards, my English friends explained to me the difference between American humor and British humor. What is it? I'm sorry, but I can't divulge trade secrets like that.

After the dinner I created a costume for the "bop" that night, themed "high school stereotypes." I think I killed the "loser" stereotype.

Then my buddy and I played Super Mario Smash Brothers all night. It was awesome. Unfortunately, he's getting really good, despite only having started playing two days ago, so it's going to be more difficult in the future. But I realized that Super Mario Smash Brothers is the world's greatest social event. It's fun, multiplayer, satisfying enough to entertain for hours, there's always more you can do with it, it's indoors, and it inevitably leads to humorous situations. Some of my favorite recent memories with friends involve playing Brawl.

It's ironic that by brawling, people come together. I guess the Greeks figured that out first, though.

I hope I can play squash in the next few weeks. It looks fun!

Farewell, readers.

Ever yours,

    John Khouri, Master of the Yoshi

* Oops, sorry. I forgot to include all things I said I'd include in this post yesterday! Well, I'll try it again tomorrow.

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