Monday 7 October 2013

Not Going to the Toga Party

As you've probably gathered from the title of my second blog post ever by the time you're reading this first line, I'm not going to the toga party.

I should explain.

I was having an overall solid day today. I woke up freezing at 7:30 and proceeded to finally close the window I'd neglected to even realize was ajar the night before. I continued to meet people (and promptly forget their names) at the welcome event for the International Students. I've found that easier names (Tom, George, James, Rob) are much harder for me to remember, because the harder names (Ashok, Igereim, and Shini) demand more effort spent learning them properly. The Freshers then had a few one-hour lectures that introduced us to a few heads of the college and to the sort of educational system in which we will soon be working (UGH! SO DULL!). I've gotten to sample foods I never thought I'd try, and even found a new favorite desert, sticky toffee cake, which is honestly almost as good as its chocolatey equivalent.

The event sounded really fun, so I decided to go on the Freshers' barcrawl with everyone else (although, of course, instead of drinking alcohol, I drank several glasses of water). We went to several famous pubs, including a pub called Turf Tavern, where Inspector Morse used to be filmed on leave, and another pub where Elijah Wood was filmed in the Oxford Murders. Very cool.

There were several goals, including getting the best photo of the night (I think the one below wins), drinking at the most pubs, finishing within two hours, and telling the best joke.

After telling the joke ("The Camping Trip" - The Jokebook), we were told we won. But I felt used and angry. I had fun running around and taking pictures and all that jazz, but the group leader's attitude towards me at the end gave me a sense that she only really valued my contribution of the winning joke.  I realized that no matter how hard I try, I can't ever completely fit in.

But that's okay. Because I don't need to be liked. I'm loved by my Father, and that's really all that matters.

I'd lost sight in Him, and that's okay, we all do. But I'm not here at Oxford to party, I'm here to go through with the next stage God's planned for my life. And while I'm here, I should sure as heck glorify Him in my actions.

So no, I'm not going to the toga party.


    John Khouri, Raconteur

1 John 4:1

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