Sunday 27 April 2014


I gave up the Maemone diet. I was feeling ill Thursday evening and I suspected I was getting all the nutrients I needed. Since I don't know any nutritionists, I decided to just watch what I put in my body and try to make healthier choices. Looking back on it, though, it might have been the somewhat dodgy-tasting sausage I'd eaten for breakfast. But no matter.

Before I gave up the diet, I made my first investment in my future; I bought a saucepan, a pot (for cooking, not for smoking), a bowl, and one of those big plastic bowls with holes in it for putting pasta in. I don't know what it's called, so I'll call it the fwerryxior [FWEHR eey sohr]. It wasn't very cheap, but I'll be able to make pasta (and sauce) instead of going to a store for food and have cheaper and potentially yummier and healthier meals in the future, and eventually it will pay for itself. It'll be a challenge lugging it across the border, though, so future wife? You listening? We're going to have to move to Oxford. So I can have my pot.

Step 1. Fill large pot with water.

Step 2. Boil large pot with water.

Step 3. Get some side-by-side buddy-cop-style pasta and pasta sauce boiling on. YEAAAAH!!!

Step 4: Pour pasta into the fwerryxior.

Step 5. Voila!
Step 6: Don't forget to take the sauce pan off the burner, too! 

(just kidding)

I had my collections, they didn't go nearly as well as I'd hoped considering how much time I'd spent studying. A friend of mine told me, though, that studying potential apparently improves more and more the closer you get to prelims, so that's something.

My reaction to collections

(actually a post-jog photo :P )

There was a bop last night, which was especially crazy since no one had any work after the collections (unless you do PPE…sorry, PPEists, that's horrible). No one got hurt, though, so it was a good bop. Some judge the quality of a bop by the quality of the songs,  I judge the quality of a bop by the quality of the injuries.

Apart from not drinking alcohol, this is the main reason why I'm never going to host
a pre-bop drinks meeting in my room in England. Believe it or not, that's not that messy by
pre-bop drinking standards. Only like nineteen bottles.
I just found out last night after bop that a very close and very old friend of mine (as I've said before, I don't use names on the blog) has chosen to become a firefighter! I am so incredibly proud of him for a variety of reasons. A big one would be because I have a lot of respect for firefighters because their job is literally to serve and protect people in the community, and one of things I love about my friend the most is that he, like me, is really passionate about service and helping others, and he has the perfect physical build for a firefighter as well, so I'm confident it will be an excellent fit for him.

Also, in these times of uncertainty amongst so many of my friends in terms of figuring out where God wants them to do with their lives, this guy has figured it out, and it's a job in service. Firefighting and being an EMT are the two professions for which I have the most respect for that reason. Finally, if I was on fire, and I could call any one of my friends in to help me put it out and get people to safety, I would absolutely pick this guy. Good on you, buddy :)


   John Khouri, Fwerryxior Fixer-Upper

1 comment:

  1. fututra esposa?,,, yooo??? hahahhaha,,, :)............................
