Saturday 8 February 2014

Excitingly Tasty New Enterprises

Welcome back to my blog! I've been lax on awarding JP, so you all get 100 JP! You earned it!

I've had an extremely difficult week, forget my work. But I don't want to talk about that! I want to talk about all the exciting British cuisine I've been eating!

A friend of mine made blueberry pancakes this week with some spare flour! What a deliciously fun time! Although apparently I only like the pancake and syrup part. Not the blueberries included.

I keep noticing how everyone keeps on making dinner from scratch with friends or going to formal/informal hall. Trouble is, I don't have the time. If I'm not working on work, I'm taking a break by going to the gym or watching a movie. Still, it's hard to argue with these kinds of results. Friends and I should join up and make a souffle. Whatever that is, exactly. We'll find out!

Recently the CompSci guys and I have been going to a cafe we discovered on Ship Street. I've uploaded the above photo so you could Sea it. They've got some fantastic food there, a wide variety. I really enjoy their Mexican Chicken panini (which I've NEVER seen during any of my eight visits to Mexico), and I've been eying up their Santa Cruz wrap (...which definitely doesn't come from Santa Cruz. Those wacky English!).  

I've stopped going to my old cafe because I got sick of eating the same mozzarella, tomato, and basil panini every single day. It got really, really boring. Although the guys over there totally know me, perhaps more than I knew myself. Or perhaps not.

Earlier this week, I finally decided to go for the Mexican Meatball Burrito they'd been advertising all month, and they'd JUST TAKEN IT DOWN. The man behind the counter told me that the last time they had the burrito was 2006. Guess it's going to be a loooong wait...

I WAS able to get an al Pastor burrito, though, which was pretty tasty in its own right (kind of hard to make a bad burrito, though, in my own humble opinion). They claim it's a Lebanese import to Mexico with bases in pineapple and shawarma. In words more relevant to my studies, al Pastor burritos are vector spaces. I don't know about you all, but when I hear talk of shawarma, I think of this:

Mmm. Now I'm hungry.

Om nom nom nom nom :)
I've watched Up and Frozen lately. What wonderful movies! I was really moved by Up, which was also absolutely hilarious, and Frozen was a totally delight. I've developed a method for watching movies which involves eating chocolate very, very slowly over the course of a few hours. Basically, if you try to eat it as slowly as possible, it tastes so much better. It involves getting chocolate all over your mouth and general face region, but it's worth it.

In other news, I did some more stand-up comedy recently at the Oriel bar at open-mic night, and it was really, really good, since the audience was paying attention this time. I opened by discussing Hugh Jackman and Les Miz, then transitioned into discussing stealing England's national icons by talking about the news that Jesse Eisenberg, who played  Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, in the movie Social Network, was recently cast as Lex Luthor, Superman's nemesis, in the Man of Steel sequel. According to Wikipedia, "Lex Luthor is a wealthy, power-mad business magnate of high intelligence and incredible technological prowess." I pointed out in my routine that I was very confused at the news, since I thought Mr. Eisenberg had already played the character in the Social Network. 

Also, a friend of mine performed his epic poem about sausages. It was as well-written as it was hilarious. I look forward to hearing the rest of it.

Tourists aren't here forever; they don't have the choice that I do for days on which they take photos!
I would like to wrap up by thanking everyone who lent me their prayers, concerns, aid, and time this week. It worked out. Thank you so much, guys. I love ya'll. :)


    John Khouri, Gourmet 

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